Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25,2009

Here are some updated photos of Deanna. She is growing, about 8 1/2 lbs. She has weekly visits from a nurse, physical therapist, and occupational therapist. It is helpful for now, but I can see how our weekly social calender just got busier. On Monday, August 17th, we had our first ER visit with the little girl. She was taking her antibiotic by mouth (G tube got infected) and decided it wasn't going down the throat b/c it tasted so bad. Super scary! She held her breath, then choked on her med, then before you know it, I am wiping saliva away from her mouth, changing her position, blowing air in her face, and dialing 911. It was an image that I hope not to relive, but I am super thankful for the EMTs from Wellington and PFA for bringing oxygen!! At the ER, we had a chest x-ray done to check for aspiration, but nothing appears that fast and her vitals were good so we got to go home. Since then, we are taking the medicine in her tube and not by mouth. She is nippling some from a bottle, about 5 -15 ml, the same amount that she did in the hospital. It completly wears her out for the day, so we are being patient with this process and can only keep practicing.

Tummy time on the floor. She usually buries her face in the blankets and then falls asleep.
Deanna wearing her new party dress for the open house.
The boys and grandma made this sign for us when we pulled up to grandma's house from Children's Hospital. The kids from our MOPS group signed it and colored it.
Proud new brothers! This was taken August 11th, the day Deanna came home.

August 12th, my first outing to the doctors to get a new cast on. The one they put on is probably my last and then I will wear splints at night.

Here are the boys on the first day of school. Adam is in 1/2 day kindergarten and Casey is the big man on campus in 1st grade. They both get on the bus in the morning at 7:39 am and Casey rides it home after school. School starts at 8:10 am. Adam's favorite thing is to ride the bus and recess. Casey enjoys being at school and does really well at helping out and being good...home is a different story!?!?! Both boys love on Deanna when they are here. They check up on her and ask what and where she is at and if they can hold her. It is very sweet to see how concerned the boys are for their sister. She is adjusting to life at home...sleeping a lot and growing. Deanna sleeps all night or most of the night (10pm-5 am) so mama is thankful for that and everyone is much happier and well off because mama is rested.

The boys in front of the flowerbed. Adam is soooo into the Colorado Rockies right now. We took Brian for Father's Day and the boys loved it! Adam wears his CR cap everyday and wanted the backpack for school that now he shows everyone.
Bus #4 with bus driver Al
Casey and his teacher
Adam and his teacher

Thanks for everyone who has brought us a meal! It is so nice and thoughtful of you and one less thing for me to figure out. I appreciate it very much!


Katie said...

Soooo Cute! She is an angel! I just want to squeeze her! Your boys are such little gentelmen. I love it! Happy Birthday my friend! I am so thankful for you!

Lindsay Sedlacek said...

Love the pictures! Deanna is sure a cutie! She definitely looks like a Kraft! It's good to hear she's making progress, but SCARY to hear of your ordeal!!! Man, I would have FREAKED! Sounds like you guys are handling things pretty well and taking comfort in being together as a family.

Happy Birthday (too)! Is it that time already?! Hope you were able to do something to pamper yourself! You definitely deserve it!!