Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's a Beautiful Day!

We are bringing our little daughter home today!

What a glorious day.
In an hour, Deanna will participate in another swallow study before being discharged. We want to know that it is safe and comfortable to have her "nipple" her feedings and to keep on practicing the bottle before getting home. If it isn't very good for her, that is okay with me and I will just give her all her feedings through her new fancy gadget, her G tube. It is considered another mouth in essence and we should treat it that way. It can get wet w/ water, it may leak or be like spit up, it needs to be washed and wiped. We are working on transitioning her to a higher volume of milk and less often so at night, she can get a good 4 hour stretch (me too) of sleep, this is a good thing. The whole process of preparing her feed, feeding her, and then cleaning the equipment takes an hour...so hopefully I will get faster and more efficient at this.
Her new feed button on her belly and the pump that gives her the milk.
We are planning a "Welcome home party" for Deanna so look for more details to come. She is growing and beginning to smile at us. We are so blessed to have her and now to bring her home. praise God! More pictures to come...she had a sweet outfit to come home in, but the tubing became disconnected and she got a shower with her clothes on...go figure :)
"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17


Katie said...

Yeah!!!! Can't wait to see her!!

Shari Schwarz said...

Congratulations you guys!!! Enjoy! She is so beautiful...great pics that you posted.

Ali Belfiore said...

How exciting!! I am so happy for you guys! We have ALLL been thinking about you in the PVH NICU! Please come visit once you are settled! Give her a kiss and hug for me!

Don, Aimee, Kaitlyn and Kysen said...

Congrats Deanna....you are strong like you mommy! Cannot wait to meet you!