Thursday, July 16, 2009

Update on Deanna

Here is the lil' miss without her cannula! As of now, she has her NG feed tube in and a couple of monitors for her heartrate and pulse. Deanna has new splints on her hands to help stretch her fingers out and have a better range of motion. I think today she is getting her next cast on her leg. SHe is making progress. Today she will have an MRI on her brain to check for its activity level- pray for clear and good results and that it doesn't truamitize her.

Her ultrasound on her brain showed that her blood clot has not changed, but they are encouraged that this is okay. She is up to eating 50 ml of breast milk through the tube and we are continually working to get her interested in taking the pacifer to begin interest in a bottle or breast--then she will get to go home. Continue to pray that she cooperates with eating.

Her chromosomal tests came back yesterday with results that the doctors are still looking at. Pray that the results will be clearly understood by the genetist(?) and that we will understand them as well. Brian and I are getting blood work done to be able to compare our DNA strands against Deanna's to be more thorough.

Here is my baby girl and her proud brothers on Wednesday evening.

We spent Sunday morning at the hospital, then had a family lunch out. Here are the boys and I in front of the entrance to the hospital.

Today (Monday) the night nurse had her dressed in the morning when I got was so good and refreshing to see. She is starting to look "normal" being in clothes and not having so many lines of wires from her body.

Here is Deanna's first cast. They will be changing her cast weekly to accomodate her growth and help fix her club foot.
I forgot to mention on earlier posts...
Deanna's birth weight was 6lbs. 12 oz. We don't know how long she is??
She was "term" at 39 weeks and 2 days.
Her birthday was July 5th.
The reason she is in the NICU was that she was really stressed in labor and for a couple days before. With the cord wrapped around her neck twice, she was deprived of the good stuff for too long, that is why the doctors are checking all possible things.


Kendal said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! She and all of you remain in our prayers, thanks for keeping us updated. We love and miss you all!

Julia Bates said...

Jami, Thank you for all of the updates. I have been eagerly checking every day. Deanna is so strong in faith and determination just like her mother. She is lucky to have such a loving and caring family. I am praying for her recovery and you are in my thoughts often. I hope she gets to go home soon. Keep smiling!

Katie said...

Thanks for the update! Great pictures! Keep us updated, I am checking facebook on my vacation just to see how Deanna is doing!