Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday, July 18th

As I am writing this, I am at the hospital waiting for the lil' one to wake up for a feeding. She is on a 3 hour schedule and we are activly trying to get her to take from the pacifer dipped in milk and suck on it before putting the bottle in her mouth again. We don't want her to get an adversion to things in her mouth so we are moving slow with this process. Please pray that once she figures it out then she will progress quickly so we can take her home...this is the one thing that we are waiting for.

Her MRI results came back normal and her renal exam was also good. THe little one is making slow and steady progress, but progress none the less. Her ears are shaping up like they should, so no more concern for having something physically wrong with them. She currently has her rump in the air with O2 blowing on it b/c of diaper she has normal issues as well. :)


Katie said...

Ahhhh! I can't wait to see her again! God is good my friend! Your faith is amazing!

Don, Aimee, Kaitlyn and Kysen said...

Praise God for healing little Miss Deanna! I pray that she will figure out that sucking thing and she will get to come home quickly! Once she is home I would love to meet her! And hey, at least those little rumps at that age are to cute not to look at!

All I learned in Kindergarten said...

Hi Jami, We have been out of the loop while we were out of town. The only thing I wanted to find out about was sweet little Deanna. We have been praying for your entire family and for healing for her tiny little body. We love you and appreciate the updates!