Saturday, July 11, 2009

Deanna Nicole Kraft

Let's start at the beginning...

On Thursday, July 2nd, I went to my check-up appointment and had no news. I was barely dilated and my cervix was pretty far back, so things didn't look very immediate for baby.

On Friday, I helped sell some of my junk at a garage sale w/ my friends, hung out and visited and about lunch time felt contractions more consistent (10 minutes apart) for the rest of the day. I called the dr. about 4 pm w/ some complaint of sharp pain down low, but was reassured that my cervix was most likely dropping b/c it needed to in order for delivery to get closer. There was no change in my contractions. We went to supper at Olive Garden(tried it Susan:))--it was sooooo good and the closest the contractions came were 7 or 8 minutes apart,but most of the time they were 10. I felt like nighttime was going to be show time so I packed my bag for the middle of the night rush- that is how both Casey and Adam began their debut. I slept really good, got up once to go potty and fell right back asleep. The next morning, I was a little disappointed...

On Saturday, the 4th of July, the boys and I went to the Wellington parade and then headed home to pack the car for camping and a rodeo on Sunday. We got up to the Maxwell Ranch (CSU's summer pasture) about 3 pm and sat around during a rain, ate supper under a tree, then dried up by the fire, roasted marshmallows, and lit off fireworks. Brian and I stayed up until 11 drying off the only pair of jeans and boots that I brought for the boys by the fire and then called it a night (so we thought).

2:30am- Got up to potty in the woods, fell back asleep between contractions. They were about 7 minutes apart. I was debating whether to pack it all up or wait until they were 5 minutes apart to make the journey back to town. I started watching the clock...
4 am- Felt that I may not have "drip dried" up to make sure and WHOOSH! I felt a feeling that I had yet to experience. I waddled to the outhouse, then came back to tell Brian, "It's time to go!" We loaded up the sleeping boys, and all that was in the tent and started the bumpy drive to the highway in about 20 minutes. THe drive down 287 usually takes 1 1/2 hours, but Brian kicked it up a notch and we arrived in Fort Collins in about 45 minutes. My contractions were still only 5 minutes apart and not to painful so we took the boys to his parents' house, stopped at home so Brian could change out of his campfire clothes and then headed to the hospital.

5:45am- I am admitted to the hospital and shown my room, asked to leave a sample-What??? Apparantly she wasn't told my water broke and for the past 2 hours I have been leaving samples on everything. Another nurse begins the admission process, but is quickly distracted by my answer to the color of the water leaking from me. She checks it out and then moves quickly into action upon realizing that there was meconium involved. My contractions hurts...after about 10x breathing through, more nurses come in to help me w/ changing positions. Deanna's heartrate was "decelerated" after each contraction and took longer each time to get to "normal". They brought in the ultrasound machine to check her position and reasssured me that she was head down, but must have the cord around her to have such a slow recovery after each contraction. Another one...I changed positions again...this time her heartrate went to 85...another one...etc. My doctor was now present along with my closest nurse friends-all 7 of them--and it was decided that the cord was definetly wrapped around her. They checked me again, I was only a 5 with contractions 4-5 minutes apart. Did I mention that I really did not enjoy having my water broken? It is a gross feeling-trust me and I kept getting fresh bedding underneath me and still was complaining.
THe next thing I know a different dr. comes in and discusses w/ my dr. that a c-section is the safest way to deliver Deanna w/o compromise. I signed some papers...they talk to Brian...and off I am being rushed down the hospital corridor into a meat locker! Within minutes my legs are numb and my toes are tingly and the drs. ask me if I can feel that? It was the initial slice into my belly. They deemed it safe to bring Brian in now that I can't feel anything. hmmm??

I was awake during the c-section and was making some jokes. Word got out that I was camping and sleeping on the ground just hours ago and the drs. were poking fun at me/us. After some time, they pulled Deanna out and reassured me that they didn't want her to cry. There was a lot of meconium in the placenta and they needed to clean her out first. The cord was wrapped twice around her neck and once around her shoulders. We were told that she probably would have pnemonia b/c of her environment. She was rushed away and I lay open in a meat locker.

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