Monday, May 26, 2008

The boys just keep eating and growing...

After I got the hang of this again, here I go...
The pictures are from Easter, Mother's Day, and a causal "snack" one day.
Wanted to do a quick update on the kids, isn't that why we do this type of thing? Casey turns 6 next week(we celebrated an early party at C-E-Cheese with a soccer ball cake that I made-who would've thought?) and Adam is 4 1/2, going on 12. We just finished up a spring soccer season, with mom being the coach--lots of fun and it just proves you don't have to know very much to get by, especially for 4-5 year olds. We are so excited to see summer where we can stay home each day, the boys definetly get tired of going places during the week. Our trucking business, Ag Express, is doing super well, with minor setbacks at the ethanol plant which causes frustration and stress. The crops are in the field...will let you know how they fair after the storm came through. We will be traveling a bit this summer for a wedding in North Dakota and Billings, MT and then rounding out the summer at "the ranch" in Buena Vista, CO. It is the dude ranch where I worked in college and where the boys and I can currently go to "Be a Cowboy". We'll keep you updated more and I promise I will send pics.

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