Field Day at school- Friday, May 21st
Deanna is 10 1/2 months old
I wanted to give an update about "Lil Miss". She was seen by a Special Care doctor at Children's Hospital almost 2 weeks ago. The Dr. gave a diagnosis of Arthrogryposis. Here is a link to find more information: This diagnosis doesn't have anything to do with Deanna's feeding issues-that is caused by some fluid on her brain stem. We saw pictures of her brain from one month old and are in the process to have another MRI done to see what it looks like currently. I will post again soon when I know more information and can share more pictures. The important thing is she is happy, healthy (sort of :)) and so much fun. She gives our family such joy with her very expressive face-her eyes "smile" a lot! Her brothers can't get enough time with her and love on her too much, if that is possible.
We've got Casey's 8th birthday coming up and the last days of school to occur-then lots more pictures.